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Digital Billboard Advertising

Digital Billboard Advertising

Let your Brand
Shine the Streets

Be prepared to make a bold statement with our impressive 6 x 3m Digital LED billboard. Strategically located on the busy Luqa Road, close to Malta International Airport, your brand will be seen by thousands of potential commuters every day.

With a range of special ad packages, your brand's message will make a lasting impression on all those who pass by, guaranteeing unparalleled visibility and exposure, while ensuring maximum return on investment.

But that's not all. Our vision is to make digital billboards a common sight across the island, and we're constantly working on bringing more billboards online.


Put your brand in the spotlight on a large, colourful LED display that’s impossible to ignore.


Reach a captive audience in a prime location near Malta International Airport and a bustling, high footfall commercial district.


Stay agile with a flexible campaign that enables you to split your impressions across various products and services however you wish.


Digital advertising offers endless possibilities while saving you costs on traditional OOH advertising expenses such as canvas printing.

Get more eyeballs on your advertising

Stand out
from the crowd


Our OOH Locations

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